Contributor Qualification Guidelines
Important policies and regulations to be part of Amboxie’s Network.
The following information supplements Amboxie’s Network Terms of Service. To be part of the Amboxie Network, you are required to adhere to the policies outlined below.
Network Qualifications and Required Forms
– You must be 18 years of age to participate in Amboxie’s Network.
– The “Make payments to” name in your intake form must be your full legal name as it appears on your tax form; this is the name to which any possible payments will be made. For business accounts this field will contain the business name.
In order to submit an official business account, you must provide us with documentation as required by your country or state that indicates you are a principal owner of the business. Contact our support team for assistance.
Network Regulation
If we see repeated issues related to Amboxie Network submissions or activity, you may receive a warning. Multiple warnings may result in account suspension or termination. Some reasons for receiving warnings include:
Network Activity
Failure to follow the guidelines outlined in Network Registration, above.
Business and Portfolio Submissions
Please note: Intentionally submitting content, a portfolio, or work done to which you do not own copyright or submitting content that infringes on the copyright of another business or individual will lead to immediate network termination.
Submitting work that infringes on the rights of any person. Including directly copying or excessive inspiration from work to which you do not own the copyright.
Repeatedly resubmitting rejected submissions without correcting the legal/compliance, technical quality, or announced errors.
Although being inspired by an idea is acceptable, it is never acceptable to copy someone else’s expression of an idea. If you believe that a service or work is infringing upon your copyright, please send a DMCA Notice to the Legal Department using this form.
You must own or control the copyright to all content you submit to Amboxie’s Network. This means that you cannot submit work obtained from other sources (e.g., online image search results or free image download websites).
You may not submit services created in a manner that violates human rights, including but not limited to activities such as debt bondage, forced labor, child slavery, or other oppressive practices.
Service submissions that relate to members of certain race(s), ethnicities, disabilities, age, religion, gender, or sexual orientation must depict and/or describe such members in ways that accurately and respectfully represent their identities.
Do not embed your own watermark, website name, or copyright notice in your content submissions. We protect your content with our own watermark, which is applied when your services are accepted to our site.
We reserve the right to remove any previously accepted service submissions from the Amboxie Network, and reserve the right to reinstate any previously accepted service submission which was later removed by an Amboxie administrator, at any time for any reason.
Service Quality Guidelines
Services submitted to Amboxie’s Network must be of professional quality and each submission is reviewed by a global network of professionals. If you submit your work to be advertised via Amboxie network, content might be adjusted to fit within Amboxie brand guidelines.